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Tag - show and tell

Mary Skoy

Mary Skoy, 2020 Spun Gold Winner, Weaver, and Knitter Mary Skoy is using this time of social distancing to try new things. “My knitting group and I are using Zoom to stay in touch,” she says, “we knit…

Ceci Lewis

Ceci Lewis, Textile Center Teaching Artist “I’d rather do anything other than clean my worktable, but I need to reclaim my space,” says Ceci Lewis, one of Textile Center’s esteemed instructors and an avid indigo dyer who is…

Debbie Johnson

Debbie Johnson, President of MN Basket Weavers Guild and Textile Center Shop Staff Member Anyone who frequents Textile Center’s shop knows how passionate Debbie Johnson is about making. As President of the MN Basket Weavers since 2017, Debbie…

Carolyn Halliday

Carolyn Halliday, 2020 Spun Gold Award Winner One of Carolyn Halliday’s early works is a collection of tall, wire-knit trees, and it is an example of what speaks to her today: family, nature, and science. “I named that…

Mariana Shulstad

Mariana Shulstad, President of Textile Center’s Board of Directors, yarn enthusiast, and weaver “Knitting is something I’ve done all my life,” says Mariana Shulstad, as she showcases a red wool sweater she made for her husband, Craig Shulstad.…

Ella Ramsey

Ella Ramsey, Past Board President of Textile Center, Fabric Enthusiast Everyone who knows Ella can tell you about her passion for fabric. During Textile Center’s recent tours to India and Japan, she acquired textiles that are now serving…
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