Announcing Textile Center’s Declaration of Anti-Racism and Commitment to Inclusion
On behalf of Textile Center’s Board of Directors and Staff, I am pleased to announce that at our Board meeting last week, we adopted the following Declaration of Anti-Racism and Commitment to Inclusion. We are committed to expanding our service to a very diverse community of fiber artists and appreciators.
Co-chairing the committee with me was Raye Cordes, our Education & Exhibition Coordinator, and serving on this committee are Board Member Maggie Thompson, Librarian Nancy Mambi, and Sarah Rusch, our Shop Inventory Specialist. I believe I can speak for all the members on the committee to express that it has been an honor to serve Textile Center’s commitment to anti-racism, diversity, inclusion and belonging.
– Jeff White, Textile Center Board Secretary and Co-Chair of the Anti-Racism/DEI Committee
Textile Center’s Declaration of Anti-Racism and Commitment to Inclusion
In order to eliminate barriers that prevent anyone from appreciating and contributing to the textile arts in their own unique and valuable way, the Textile Center’s Board of Directors and Staff stand united with all racialized, marginalized, and underrepresented individuals. We affirm our identity as an organization that welcomes all in terms of race, gender, ethnicity, age, cognitive style, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, physical ability and political or religious ideology. Not only are we committed to speaking-out, but also to holding ourselves accountable to adjusting our own actions whenever we encounter racism, discrimination, or oppression.
Textile Center’s mission is to:
· Honor textile traditions
· Promote excellence and innovation
· Inspire widespread participation in fiber art
We commit to ensure we are providing an environment where everyone is accepted, valued and respected, while fostering a strong sense of belonging for all individuals.