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Textile Center’s A Garden To Dye For is a living educational and creative resource, which proudly cultivates, harvests, and generates understanding surrounding natural dye plants.

Combining beauty and function, this perennial garden nurtures plants to be used as natural dyes for textiles; a living, breathing element in the process of creating fiber art!

The garden is located on Textile Center’s surrounding plant beds, which around from the south-west and the west sides of the building.

The dye garden is volunteer-run from late May until mid-September, with opportunities for group-gardening and independent drop-in volunteer upkeep.

Textile Center offers our volunteers select opportunities to harvest natural dye plants for their own use, as well as opportunities to engage in dye garden related educational programming at discounted rates.

If you would like to be contacted to receive more information about volunteer opportunities, please fill out our interest form here.

Questions can be directed to Chloe Russell Chang – crussell@textilecentermn.org.


Join Textile Center Master Gardener Deb Reierson in a monthly online community forum to learn how to start and sustain your own urban dye garden!

Topics to be explored include designing and planning an urban dye garden, keeping the garden healthy and happy, environmental considerations, harvesting and using dye materials, and putting your garden to bed at the end of the season.

This community forum is sponsored by Mississippi Market Co-op and offered for FREE to the public. All are welcome to join — from gardening novices to expert green thumbs who want to be part of the conversation.

Learn more + sign up here.


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