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Category - News & Announcements

Cricket Loom Challenge!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Cricket Loom Challenge! Our youth programs now have several new looms on which children can learn to weave. "Muriel" - named for the weaving master mother of Jesse Chapman and…

Remembering Elsa Sreenivasam

Elsa Marie Sreenivasam passed away March 15, 2017 in Green Valley, Arizona. She is survived by Dharma, her beloved husband of 47 years, five children (Patrick, Brigid, Hallie, Fanchon, and Rakesh), and three grandchildren (Briana, Robyn and Ryan).…

Support Textile Center

Textile Center makes it easy to give in a variety of ways: Give appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares (which may be more tax efficient than cash) . Make a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA. The…

Strategic Plan 2016 – 2019

Advancing Textile Center’s legacy through a new era of excellence, innovation, and widespread participation in fiber art. The following attachment is a designed version of our five-year Strategic Plan, approved by Textile Center Board of Directors on December 2, 2015…

Remembering Lila Nelson

By Becky Franklin, Managing Director, Weavers Guild of MN May 27, 2015 We received the sad news Tuesday morning that our friend Lila Nelson passed away. Lila influenced many with her passion and knowledge of Scandinavian textiles and…

Artist as Insect Advocate

Adapted from Jennifer Angus I try to make work that provokes discussion. I love insects, and I believe that I am an environmentalist and advocate for insects. I see myself as having only the highest regard for insects,…

Perpetual Detail at Hennepin Gallery

September 11 – November 21, 2014 • Hennepin Gallery Reception: Thursday, October 23, 5 – 7 pm • Refreshments from 6 – 7 pm This exquisite exhibition curated by Textile Center features the work of two fiber artists: Ann Hall…

Video: An interview with a visiting artist

Textile Center and Minnesota Productions and Partnerships (tptMN) have partnered to produce this short-form video on the exhibition Leslie Pontz: Shaping Space. Pontz’s unique crocheted sculptures stretch the boundaries of what are traditionally considered textiles. This piece articulates…

Honoring our friend, Joan Mondale

In Summer 2004, Textile Center honored Joan Mondale for all that she has given to the arts by dedicating its largest exhibition space to her, and the Textile Center Joan Mondale Gallery came into being. Joan has devoted…

Tutorial: A Quick Guide to Image Sizes

Many calls for entry, including our own A Common Thread members exhibition, require that you submit an image that is a certain size or resolution.  Here are some quick tips for checking your image size to see if…
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