Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Cricket Loom Challenge! Our youth programs now have several new looms on which children can learn to weave.

“Muriel” – named for the weaving master mother of Jesse Chapman and Deanne Langman, and the grandmother of Elizabeth (Lisa) Hoelscher.

“The RAM” named for the grandchildren of Jane and John E. Connett. “Rosslyn, age 7 years, and Ailsa and Moira, twins age 4 years.  I liked that their initials connected so well with weaving… Perhaps I should have named the loom, The RAMS…  S standing for sweet, as they surely mostly are!” -Jane Connett

“Elsa” in memory of Elsa Sreenivasam.

“She Ra” in memory of Sara Langworthy.

Thanks also to the Textiles Artists on Tuesday group, Carol Oversee Johnson, and Bonnie Buzza for their contributions toward the challenge!


In the world of textiles and fiber art, weaving is fundamental … so, it’s important that our year-round youth programs teach children weaving. Will you help us bring the joy of weaving to the next generation?

We are seeking individuals or groups to donate $500, which will give you the opportunity to name a cricket loom! By donating this amount, you aren’t just providing a machine, but you are also contributing to materials and instructor time for a full weaving experience. This type of challenge worked so well two years ago with our broken down sewing machines that our students now proudly learn and create on shiny new Alice, Elaine, Harriet, Gini, Nancy, SEWPHY I and II, and Steve sewing machines.

The Cricket Loom, by Schacht Spindle Company, is ideal for a new weaver, easy to set up and warp, and crafted to last. We would love to offer our fiber artists in-the-making the opportunity of working on a cricket loom! Please consider making this important learning tool a reality for countless youth for years to come.

If you are interested in contributing – any amount helps – please call 612-436-0464 or contribute directly via and include the note: CRICKET.