November 1, 2023 – January 6, 2024
Minnesota Lace Society
The Minnesota Lace Society (MLS) is an all-volunteer organization established in October 1977. They came together to provide education of, by, and for the membership and the public, concerning all aspects of lace. MLS members speak the language of lace fluently and enjoy bringing lace to the community.
They are a member guild of Textile Center and also a charter chapter of the International Organization of Lace (IOLI). As a social group, they have monthly meetings and other get-togethers, provide programs, specialty workshops and classes, public demonstrations of many lacemaking styles, and other events. Members participate in demonstrations throughout the region including the Minnesota State Fair, and regularly attend the international IOLI annual convention.
To learn more and join, visit
Facebook + Instagram: @mnlacesociety