Flora Borealis Community Winter Garden

Experience a Winter in Bloom outside of Textile Center!
February 20 – March 19, 2024

In December 2023, Textile Center put out a call for fiber art flowers to help us create a winter garden outside of Textile Center.  Nearly 800 fiber art flowers were donated by 200+ community members of  all ages and skill levels!

This event was a centerpiece of our 2024 Fiber Art for All week (February 20 – 24), with a goal of embracing color and connection through fiber art. The garden “grew” throughout the week, and was in full bloom by our Saturday, February 24, 2024 Open House.

This community collaboration received an incredible response, and we are in awe of the creativity of the makers. A variety of techniques were used in making flowers, from knitting and crocheting, felting, to stitching, sewing, weaving, and more. Makers embraced sustainability and reuse through incorporating textile scraps and unfinished works, and using household items like pizza pans for backings.

Personal touches were added, such as stitched names of loved ones lost. Connections were made as groups met to create their flowers, like the Knitters at Norway House, the Minneapolis Central Library Craft Club, and the Oneota Weavers Guild.

We extend a big thank you to everyone who contributed a flower and help us create a lush, eye-catching display of fiber art at our corner of the Prospect Park neighborhood!


Alejandro Aguilera
Jennifer Allen
Courtney Anderson
Carol Austermann
Micah BachKinder
Loraine Baker
Susan Balto
Marguerite Baxter
Claudia Beck
Randi Berg
Karen Berger
Winna Bernard
Brig Bogue
Leah Bogue
Caroline Boris
Caleb Browne
Brenna Busse
Marcia C
Karen C
Alfredo Chiclana
Cathy Crafton
EdithAnn Dalleska
Maggie Dayton
Sarah Degnen Riveros
MaryEllen Dercks
Lisa DeWaay
Maritza Díaz
Reynaldo Díaz
Lana Dolan
Toni Donahue
Alden Drew
Beth Duffy
Meg Duncan
Sofi Duncan
Victoria Eidelsztein
Eliza, Lucia, Dillan, Dakota + Rachel of Girl Scout Troop 17796

Mia Finnamore
Mary Finnamore
Sarah Fischer
Nancy Fisher
Diane Fitzgerald
Clare + Kai Forstie
Linda Frankenstein
Kacy G
Tammi G
Caytlin Gale
Javier Garcia
Anne Gimpl
Maeve Gimpl
Lucien Golden
Leslie Granbeck
Carol Grim
Kelly Grucelski
Jazmin H
Leslie Hall
Helen+John Halstead
Lydia Hansen
Roxanne Hardy
Haley Harnagel
Biz Hengel
Kim Hondel
Erin Husted
Laura Jo
Emma Johnson
Cyndi Kaye Meier
Kelly Salutz + Target Corp COE Team
Abbie Kenyon
Sara Kerr
Knitters at Norway House
Susan Koefod
Emma Krefting
Michele Lasker
Kim LaTendresse
Cheryl Laurent
Margaret Lawrence

Valerie LeachRoot
Laura Lebrun
Mary Lofgren
Carina Lofgren
Kathy Mack
Michelle Malone
Alice Markey
Deb Martens
Cristin McKnight Sethi
Linda McSchannock
Patricia Mendez
Michelle + Anthony
Behtsee Millman
Minneapolis Central Library Craft Club
Mary Mortenson
Marissa Munley
Laura Murray
Melissa Nellis
Naomi Nelson
Stacy Nichols
Deepa Nirmal
Kelly O’Brien
Chiaki O’Brien
Jenny Offt
Oneota Weavers Guild
Sarah Peterson
Gina Peterson
Pillars of Prospect Park Senior Living
Jenelle Poer
Mimie Pollard
Trina Porte
Jenna Potter
Kristen Pratt
Ren Rajcic
Ella Ramsey
Karl Reichert
Ruth Reichert
Wendy Richardson

Susan Rose
Elena Rosenberg
Maggy Rozycki Hiltner
Chloe Russell Chang
Reyna Sanchez
Zoey Sanchez
Joan Schlichting
Judy Schneebeck
Susan Schreiner
Jan Schwarz
Alli Shaw
Mariana Shulstad
Laura Sindberg Wolfman
Kelli Soderquist
Ann Somers
Amy Sparks
Carol Stahlhut Carter
Ruth Stephens
Liz Stensland
Leeann Stoner
Sonja Sutter
Linda Swanson
Tammy Rice Art
Lynette Thompson
Kimberly Torne
Jodi Trotta
Lottie W
Wren W
Bonnie Wedge
Early Weinert
Morgan Weinert
Tori Wensloff
Jeffrey White
Stella Williams
Kathy Wilson
Gracy Wilson
Chai Wolfman
Autumn Wolfman
Violet Wolfman
Mary Zimmerman

Slider photos by @landonschoeneck